Mommy and Daddy were once babies too
Benjamin & Sarah's Babyblog is a collection of notes on our children's development and experiences as well as occassional links to information on the Web of personal interest as a parent.
What's in a (baby's) name?
Today's babies are destined to seek jobs, credit, banking facilities, even partners via e-mail, the internet and fax. Before they can impress in person they will have been judged already by their name.

Nope, we haven't yet made up our minds as to what our baby's name will be. Initially I was convinced I would pass my own name to our fist born, after all, it is a tradition (and a name) I like. But now we're trying to find alternatives and we have a fairly short list. We're not totally conviced by any of the options.


[2001/12/05 @ 12:12:47] Eduardo Fernandez wrote:
Did you decide on the name yet?

We are having trouble. :-(

Good luck on these last moments. I am sure everything will come up fine.

[2001/12/06 @ 10:12:42] Daddy wrote:
Nope, not exactly. We have a short list of about three alternatives, but we're waiting to see our baby's face before we decide. I'll admit there's one name that now feels secure (not my name), but we'll wait.
BTW ours can no longer be called Sandía, it now looks like an authentic flying baloon!
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