The Babyblog archive is kept in monthly files in reverse-chronological order:
The Babyblog is a collection of links and commentary about babies, growing up, learning, toys, anything baby-related, my pregnant wife, and myself.
He's forgotten about his older vice: boxes. For the moment at least. Now he'll drool whenever he sees a stroller or anything with wheels on it. He dives down and starts manipulating and salivating all over them. Today he started literally eating the wheel (while Mommy wasn't watching) and suddenly his face was all covered in dirt. Yuck! I guess he's putting those antibodies to the test.
And bananas, oh yeah. To quote his new favorite book (Dinosaur Roar): Gobble, gobble, nibble nibble, munch munch SCRUNCH!
Daddy's back sez: shouldn't you wait another coupl'a months?
Oh, and he's learned how to complain. Yes sir, in a rather annoying manner. As adorable as he is.
He also pushed himself from being on his tummy to sitting, but he didn't even realize what he had done. So he can sit, he can stand, he so wants to walk... but he doesn't get himself to sit from laying down!