Mommy and Daddy were once babies too

The Babyblog archive is kept in monthly files on reverse-chronological order:

The Babyblog is a collection of links and commentary about babies, growing up, learning, toys, anything baby-related, my pregnant wife, and myself.

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July December Archive


Today Benjamin is 10 days old.

And in 10 days I had not posted anything to this blog. I'm sure you can understand we have our hands full at this moment. There's much to tell you about (the Hospital stay, finally coming home, engorgement and trying to master the fine art of breast feeding, sleep deprivation, etc.) and I want to tell you that Xmas was very nice thank you.

Soon we'll be back to normal. Yeah, soon. Come on, repeat with me now, soon we'll be back to norm...


Daddy now has two reasons for being
Our baby finally arrived in this world last night and he's already the talk of the town. Healthy and beautiful he weighed 9 Lb. 15.5 Oz and measured 22 inches. With that size, of course it wasn't a natural delivery.

It was a long weekend, but our bundle of joy has already made us the proudest new parents in the world. Meet Benjamin Ian.


Not yet. Mommy will be induced tomorrow (Saturday).

Unless -of course- something happens between now and then. But we know that's highly unlikely.


So, we paid the Dr. another visit yesterday to check on the coming (one of these days!) of our baby.

Mommy first spent 20 minutes on a "No-Stress-Test" monitoring the baby's heart rate each time he moved. Everything seemed to be Ok. Then afterwards she had another ultrasound...

They insisted their estimate was very unreliable this late in the pregnancy, since they just couldn't get an accurate measurement of the baby's head (because of his position), but every time they tried they came up with an estimate weight of over 9 pounds. The cervix was only 2 cm dilated.

So we continue waiting, and have another Dr. appointment for Friday in case the baby doesn't come by then. In the mean time, Mommy has become a little nervous, and I try to be as reassuring as I can be.


The 8 simple rules for dating my teenaged daughter.

Gotta keep this bookmarked.


Baby is in no hurry.

Mommy even danced like crazy for hours last night at a Christmas party. Everyone was paying attention hoping something would happen. It didn't.

Me? I just realized I had been preocupied for days with looking "presentable" for the baby, so he would think that his dad was at least Ok. Today I don't think I worry anymore, he'll have to accept me the way I am.


One day past due...
Still waiting...


Lord of the Rings vs Harry Potter.
"Since magic and magical powers are essential elements of good storytelling, and there is quite a bit of magic in Lord of the Rings itself, I would assume that subconsciously these moms do not mind magic as long as it is something that happens to someone without them understanding what is happening, without it being labeled as magic."

Yep, we're in the 21st century and we still see book burnings and other acts of insecure intolerance. BTW I love the HP books, and I'm hoping I will get the LOR collection for Christmas (wink, wink). I didn't think much of the HP movie (only Snape was awesome) and, with a new baby sometime soon, I doubt we'll be able to go to the theater for the LOR movie coming out in a couple of weeks.

Ah, the "official" due date is finally here, but there's nothing to announce.

It's also true that babies seldom arrive on the predicted date. We'll see.


Doctor visit today: 1 cm dilated. The process is under way, but it could take days, or not.

After that, we went to walk a little. It was a beautiful day and we stopped at a local restaurant we like very much to have lunch. Suddenly we realised this could be the last time we had lunch out by ourselves without having to worry about anyone else. Very soon we'll be more than two, and for many years to come.

We opted to eat outside. It was sunny and calm. We enjoyed it quite a bit.

Santa decided he wants to bring our baby a music box this Christmas but he can't find a half-decent one anywhere.

Sure baby will have other little toys and clothes and things, but he'll be less than 3 weeks old by then and Santa doesn't think all the presents will be really special for the baby down the road. Santa also doesn't particularly like silver rattles and spoons or picture frames, his mind is set on a music box.


A new mathematical analysis suggests that evolution favours babies who don't much resemble their fathers, and males who believe their partner when she says a child looks just like him.

I hope my baby won't look like me, for his own good. Daddy is not a pretty boy.


Japan is going gaga - special rice cakes and candies are all the rage as baby mania sets in.

The royal copycats..., what I'll copy from them are the high hopes for a baby dividend!