The Babyblog archive is kept in monthly files on reverse-chronological order:
The Babyblog is a collection of links and commentary about babies, growing up, learning, toys, anything baby-related, my pregnant wife, and myself.
Coming from a numerous family, I know the feeling. Good tips in the article.
I haven't had time to sort through all the links listed, but it sure looks like there's plenty to learn. In theory, babies can learn to communicate using hand gestures much earlier than they'll be able to speak.
We just came back from our doctor visit. Our baby's heart is working at around 150 beats per second. We're excited!
Relevant information, since we will be travelling right in the middle of the second trimester.
Fascinating story. Some of us are very lucky, specially if we enjoy good health.
This is an interview with an engineer that used to design weapons, and now he designs toys. Interesting anyway.
Seriously now, it's great, and thanks to my visit over there, I found a site of Web babies and a couple of other links I hadn't discovered before. Thank you!
Only in America can you find such things as a "Baby Simulator". I choose to have a real one, thank you very much.
The note quotes a psychologist agreeing with the school's measure with the silly justification that "it could potentially be disruptive." What is this country coming to? I will not send my future child to a school where affection is prohibited.
Well, the protagonists of this story are listed here, and there's also a list of e-mail addresses.
He, in our case it is Daddy who can work from home. But sure, we have a backup plan, and expect to be able to announce it in a few weeks.