The Babyblog archive is kept in monthly files on reverse-chronological order:
The Babyblog is a collection of links and commentary about babies, growing up, learning, toys, anything baby-related, my pregnant wife, and myself.
Have we gone a little overboard? maybe? I know the article says that 2500 babies die yearly because of SIDS in the US alone, and I don't want to be insensitive, but wiring babies to constantly monitor their heartbeat and respiration seems a bit too much. In fact, it just reminded me of an idea I had a few years back, that we should have a day every year that could be called "A day without electricity" or something like that. Nothing electronic or electrical would be used that day. We should rediscover (or remind or educate ourselves about) the world that we had not too long ago. Please note that I make my living working with computers.
No doubt our baby has an angel or good fairy looking out for him, and so many great friends that brought great presents for him. Thank you so much all.
Mh, interesting. But what -if any- are the real implications of this?
I had a serious bug in the permalink/comments code, that I hope is fixed now.
As is common in MeFi threads, some good and some bad comes out of them. On the bright side, I found out about many other baby-related and parent blogs that I wouldn't know of otherwise. Interestingly, it appears the name of this very blog... mh, er, ... "blows".
A million thanks to all those who came, to those who helped organize, and special thanks to Jim & Deena for hosting the event and us. The presents were very cool. Our baby will be even happier thanks to y'all.
Another reason to keep Mommy happy during the following weeks.
Everything going Ok and according to plan. Again we got to listen to baby's healthy heart beat. Mommy's weight gain and growth are what they're suppossed to be at almost 33 weeks. Dr. R. was friendly, helpful and reassuring answering our questions. And as always after these Dr-visits, Mommy was rewarded with a cup of ice cream.
Very long, but very well written article exploring the motivations not only of Bin Laden and his sympathizers, but also those of other fundamentalists throughout history and even in America. Well worth a read.
All good, except for step #8: encourage breast-feeding on demand which we plan on doing differently. We'll try to combine common sense and flexibility with recommendations from the Baby-wise book, that seems to inspire strong pro and con opinions, but few well argumented.
We expected this initial session to be pretty basic, but it didn't live up to even that. As soon as we got back home we started commenting on how the instructor did not answer questions to our satisfaction, and after reviewing the program, it looks like she skipped a few things also. I hope next week it will be better.