Mommy and Daddy were once babies too
Benjamin & Sarah's Babyblog is a collection of notes on our children's development and experiences as well as occassional links to information on the Web of personal interest as a parent.

We went shopping for some electronics yesterday. In the end we bought from Best Buy and I have to say we were very pleased with their service and friendliness. So... we have a new digital camera which daddy will be evaluating in the next several days before posting a review for anyone trying to decide on which one to buy.


[2001/09/02 @ 03:09:20] Paul wrote:
What kind did you buy? I was wondering if you went with one that have mini movie capability? I have a new one up on my site,
[2001/09/03 @ 01:09:04] Carlos wrote:
Got an Olympus D-510. Yeah, it has QuickTime movie capability (320x200) which was one of the deciding factors.

I saw you had movies of your son and I had to have that too, for when our baby comes. We're due early December.

Also wanted at least 2 megapixels because it will happen that I take with the digicam some shot that I really meant to have in print. I hope to write a mini-review for epinions in a few days.
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