Lonley daddy
For 1136 days (since I became a father), I had not been away from my children for more than a few hours. They have been with Mommy for more than a day now, far-away in 60-degree (F) weather, while I sit here at home alone, and it's 5 degrees outside. There are no sounds. No cries. No laughter.
I don't have to take care of their nightly bath, and now I don't know what to do with myself, even when there's really a lot I should be doing. Heck, I should be sleeping! but right now, I'd rather be walking up-and-down in the dark holding my Baby daughter and singing softly, trying to get her to sleep.
And really I cannot sleep peacefully, when I can't sneak into my Son's room before bed to kiss his forehead and be reminded that there's a reason we're here.
Mommy, come home soon. I miss you and our kids too much.